More and more women are servicing their cars themselves. Unfortunately, for some of them, visiting a car repair shop is an unpleasant necessity, not a pleasure.

I have been running a car service for over 20 years. Based on my experience and the knowledge shared with me by my clients, I decided to create a car repair shop where no customer will be treated disrespectfully, especially because of their gender.
Women are naturally more emotional. This may result in problems communicating with the employee serving us. It is easier to understand each other when we have contact with a person who takes us seriously. He provides us with comprehensive answers to our doubts. He will explain in a clear and understandable way the cause of the failure, which results in the need to repair or replace the components. It is undoubtedly important that women also work in the workshop. They know and understand women’s problems and expectations better. They know that what is obvious to men can cause problems for women, so it is naturally easier to help. This approach allows women to feel confident and safe. Then we have no doubts about the reasonableness of the repair and the feeling that we may have been cheated.
It is very important for us women that the car service that takes care of our car takes care to inform us how often it should be serviced, interested in the air conditioning or whether we should change the oil in the gearbox. When you have a lot of responsibilities, it’s good to have someone who will take care of certain things for you.
Simple things like the fact that children are welcome and there are a few toys or even the opportunity to watch cartoons for a while and we can talk quietly turn out to be a very convenient solution.
Of course, apart from these purely feminine expectations, professionalism and appropriate equipment to perform repairs are very important. Properly performed diagnostics and repairs will protect us against surprises while driving. The feeling of security that our car is properly serviced is very important.